Effectiveness of Interactive Web Technology in Improving Students Arabic Language in the Higher Education of Islamic State Sumatera

  • Akla , Nopiana , Ani Susilawati , Sri Wahyuni


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of interactive web technologies in improving
students' mastery of Arabic at the State Islamic University of Sumatra. The design of this study is
quasi-experimental. The sample of this study were students who programed Arabic courses 2 at
IAIN Metro and UIN Raden Intan Lampung, totaling 160 people. The sample was divided into 4
classes: 2 experimental classes and 2 control classes from IAIN Metro and UIN Raden Intan
Lampung. Data collection techniques using Arabic language mastery test 2. Data analysis of this
study was carried out using a t-test with the prerequisite test for normality test and homogeneity
test. The results of the analysis using the SPSS 16 program are known to test the sig normality
value of each experimental class and the control class that is 0.084, 0.067, 0.063, and 0.072
respectively, which means the sample comes from populations that are normally distributed.
Furthermore, the homogeneity test results known the sig value 0.993 which means the population
has a homogeneous variance. T-test results with the SPSS program obtained a sig (2-tailed)
value of 0,000 so that it was concluded that interactive web technology was effective in
increasing students' Arabic Language mastery at the Sumatran Islamic Religious College.

How to Cite
Akla , Nopiana , Ani Susilawati , Sri Wahyuni. (2020). Effectiveness of Interactive Web Technology in Improving Students Arabic Language in the Higher Education of Islamic State Sumatera. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 726 - 734. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/14503