An Integrated Geo-Physical Approach for Groundwater Investigation in Northwestern Part of Pakistan
Climate change is causing severe hydrological perturbations commonly seen as erratic
precipitation patterns in many regions. North-Western region of Pakistan is also facing
severe rainfall decline which has rendered groundwater exploration crucial for the
sustenance of agricultural and domestic activities. The integrated geophysical method
described here employs Automatic Mapping Water Detector (AMWD) to locate aquifers
with relative depths and Electric Resistivity (ER) Survey for investigating the
groundwater salinity. AMWD generates output in the form of potential difference curves
and profile map, which were interpreted combinedly to investigate the aquifers. ER
survey, using Schlumberger configuration, was carried out at the demarcated location
and the resistivity values were analyzed to establish a relation with groundwater quality.
The AMWD and ER surveys were conducted at four locations. The first two, with known
groundwater data, served to cross-check the results obtained from AMWD and ER
surveys. Once the method validated, the remaining two locations (Sadiq and Baloch
points) were explored with Baloch point showing auspicious prospects for freshwater
availability but with underlying layers of saline water. Thus, the method not only aids in
locating freshwater aquifers but also provides critical data for sustainable groundwater
management in regions prone to both saline and freshwater conditions