Challenge-based Assessments in a Gamified Learning Environment: A Case Study on Linguistics Students
The increasing call for students to be equipped with 21st-century skills has prompted many
academic programmes in tertiary learning institutions to revise their core focus particularly in
their learning delivery and assessments. This study reports on the incorporation of challengebased assessments in the Language and Computing course offered in a Linguistics
undergraduate programme in a Malaysian university. In particular, the key tenets of challengebased assessments are embedded within a gamified learning environment, in which the students
are assessed progressively through a series of challenges. The course was run for 14 weeks with
68 students. By the end of the course, the students were required to evaluate their overall
experience through a questionnaire. The findings showed that the novel use of challenge-based
assessments has sustained students’ interest in the course. Moreover, observable behavioural
changes were also apparent such as the increase in attendance rate and active discussions in
face-to-face classes. The students’ perceptions regarding the whole course were notably positive
with high ratings given to the constructs covered in the questionnaire. Ultimately, this case study
provided valuable insights on how gamified challenge-based assessments can enhance students’
engagement and deep learning