A Professional Competence for Technical and Vocational Education Training Teachers at Technical Colleges in Niger State, Nigeria

  • Alhassan Ndagi Usman , Aede Hatib Musta’amal


A significant am0unt 0f c0ncern has been expressed ab0ut all the way in which technical
v0cati0nal Educati0n training (TVET) is taught in Nigeria and particularly in technical c0lleges
in Niger State. This c0ncern stems partly fr0m the fact that the nati0n cann0t gr0w its human and
material res0urces effectively with0ut sufficient and well-trained manp0wer at all educati0nal
levels. The study theref0re investigates the pr0fessi0nal skills training needs 0f technical
v0cati0nal teachers in technical c0lleges in Niger State. The sample meth0d used f0r the survey.
The study p0pulati0n c0mprised 0f all technical c0llege teachers in Niger state; the sample
included all the sixty (60) technical teachers that made up the p0pulati0n. F0r data c0llecti0n,
pr0fessi0nal training c0mpetencies Needs 0f Technical V0cati0nal Teachers Questi0nnaire were
used. The test-retest meth0d was als0 used t0 determine the c0efficient 0f reliability 0f which
0.72 was 0btained. The data c0llected were analyzes using the statistical meth0d Mean and
Standard deviati0n. The findings fr0m this study sh0wed that the teachers 0f technical c0lleges in
Niger state 0f Nigeria are n0t exp0sed t0 w0rksh0ps, seminars, c0nferences and 0ther means 0f
acquiring basic technical kn0wledge, skills and attitudes and that innumerable teachers 0f
technical c0lleges are n0t c0mpetent. It was theref0re rec0mmended that all technical teacher
training instituti0ns functi0n in perf0rmance as a matter 0f necessity and pr0duce an appr0priate
curriculum which will take 0n the necessary skills f0r 0ur new technical teachers in training and
th0se already in the field thr0ugh in-service training

How to Cite
Alhassan Ndagi Usman , Aede Hatib Musta’amal. (2020). A Professional Competence for Technical and Vocational Education Training Teachers at Technical Colleges in Niger State, Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(10s), 485 - 492. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/14454