The Next Level of Purchase Intention
Purchase Intention is always associated with the capabilities of the firms to approach the
customers through brand image, commercial activities and how firms provide excellent service
to increase customer satisfaction and increase the purchase intention probability for the next
product release. Customers are viewed as the object of firms' organizational activities to provide
benefits for the company. The researcher broadens this view into a bigger perspective, where the
customers are now not only becoming the objects, but also the subjects of the organizational
activities. The purchase intention must move on to the next level where all actors in
organizational activities are taking charge in delivering purchase intention. Human - to - human
interaction has become so important in organizational activities that firms must articulate on
these factors to complement the existing factors, especially during the Industry 4.0. This research
uses a quantitative analysis with 91 respondents aged between 18 to 55 years old with income.
The data analysis uses SPSS AMOS. The findings correlate with the newest Consumer Trend
Report for 2020 and more that in the future, social interaction between humans takes a great
deal in making purchase decisions, known as consumer conformity. Innovations must be done by
gaining consumer insights and increasing social roles to the advantages of the firms through
social comparison, image related concerns and strategic complements. This research has several
limitations. First, data collection was based on convenience sampling and the second, the ideal
number of respondents should be 385 based on Cochran's sampling method calculation. Future
research should address these two issues.