Enhanced Smart Music Controller by Applying CNN in IoT

  • Piyush Raj, M. Safa, Nitish Kumar, P J Sahrudh, Shivaditya Singh


It is Important to implement an alternative approach to the smart home system and understand the human using the emotional states along with environmental parameters ,just using the facial recognition increases the error chances, instead it also relies on the environmental conditions to deduct the subjects’ emotional states more accurately. Smart Systems are evolving in every sense both in how they are made and on what technologies they are made through. Internet of Things is one of the major technologies that play a part in creating a complicated convoluted interconnected system which do not require the human intervention to work and send data to other inter connected devices. The technologies including Facial Recognition, Cloud Computing along with the use of external sensors can be interconnected to produce a smart system which would have failed if not the processing power of the Cloud had not been used. Facial recognition is achieved through the use of a class of deep neural network known as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

 Keywords: CNN (Convolutional Neural Network), FER (Facial Expression Recognition), IoT (internet Of Things), LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), DHT (Digital Humidity and Temperature sensor).

How to Cite
Piyush Raj, M. Safa, Nitish Kumar, P J Sahrudh, Shivaditya Singh. (2020). Enhanced Smart Music Controller by Applying CNN in IoT. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 2739 - 2749. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/13754