A Bio-Key based Authentication Scheme for User Mobile in Fog Computing Environment

  • Naveen Chandra Gowda, Sunilkumar S. Manvi


Mobile fog computing is a substitute for mobile cloud computing to decrease the location-based computational overhead. Mobiles share the data with cloud or fog servers through untrusted public channels, which lead to security risks. Most of the insecurity begins with un-authorized access. There is a need to develop an effective security mechanism for authenticating the devices to communicate through untrusted public channels. In this paper, we propose a two-way authentication scheme between the user devices and fog server by employing hash operations, fuzzy extractor functions and XOR operations. The scheme is verified for effective security using an automated security analysis tool ProVerif. The scheme performs better in terms of communication overhead and computation overhead as compared to existing methods.

How to Cite
Naveen Chandra Gowda, Sunilkumar S. Manvi. (2020). A Bio-Key based Authentication Scheme for User Mobile in Fog Computing Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 4301 - 4315. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/13744