Customer Recognition, Satisfaction, and Loyalty at Pt. Bank Negara Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to test, analyze, and identify the relationship between customer recognition of the technology used and customer satisfaction of the e-banking and customer loyalty at Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) at the Mulawarman University Service Office in Samarinda, Indonesia. The research method used was critical research. The results of the study revealed that BNI customers’ satisfaction was impacted while conducting activities or transactions in which factors of bank recognition were involved, such as quality, service, trust, and listening to customers. As part of this research, the service factor was found to be the most important as compared with the other indicators. This situation is also related to the existence of an excellent opportunity for customers to make product choices by the expectations desired. Thus, the relationship between customer recognition and customer satisfaction is strong. Second, BNI customers were found to use loyalty views related to perceived satisfaction consisting of service time procedures, competency products, and customer handling.