Work Life Balance in Organizational Culture Change among Employees in a Health Sector Company

  • Gianti Gunawan, Yus Nugraha, Marina Sulastiana and Diana Harding


The aim of this study was to examine employee’s work life balance types in a state owned-company in the health sector in West Java-Indonesia, which was obtained from 108 employees of operational level and 30 employees of structural level. The study is quantitative cross sectional study. We used the Work Life Balance Questionnaire. There was a significant difference in the distribution of the domains of the work life balance types between the operational level and structural level. At the operational level, the majority is beneficial type. In the other side at the structural level, the majority is harmful type.

How to Cite
Gianti Gunawan, Yus Nugraha, Marina Sulastiana and Diana Harding. (2020). Work Life Balance in Organizational Culture Change among Employees in a Health Sector Company. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 1081 - 1086. Retrieved from