E-Learning Environments and Their Connection to the Human Brain

  • Kassymova G., Bekalaeva A., Yershimanova D., Flindt N., Gadirova T. and Duisenbayeva Sh.


Digital technology has absolutely transformed the teaching way in which learning is imparted to students. Unlike campus-based traditional lessons, e-learning makes learning simpler and beneficial for everyone in our society. This article summarizes teaching machines in its history by suggesting possible applications to education and its influence on the human brain. Authors briefly review teaching machines from mechanical to the digital era, describe Pressey and Skinner machines and as well as digital computers. This research also investigates how the human brain is wired to learning and recommends implementing e-learning environments for personal development in the education system. E-learning has become quite popular and appreciated among students and teachers worldwide because of its wide accessible benefits.

How to Cite
Kassymova G., Bekalaeva A., Yershimanova D., Flindt N., Gadirova T. and Duisenbayeva Sh. (2020). E-Learning Environments and Their Connection to the Human Brain. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 947 - 954. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/13359