Development of an Effective Mechanism using GPS Module to Track Real-Time Location

  • A. Sai Hanuman, Kanegonda Ravi Chythanya


Navigators and surveillance devices have always been a function of human life. The evolution of sophisticated technological devices has brought about drastic changes in these areas. We will present in this paper real-time location a GPS module monitoring system with a GSM to locate the real-time tracking device and offers a variety of control functions. A SIM 900A module, along with the Arduino UNO module, was implanted to complete the system successfully. There are three simple features we are trying to incorporate in the project. Firstly, to monitor a real-time location at a regular interval remotely, and secondly, we can listen to the nearby conversations with the aid of a panic button. Third, the tracking device receives an SMS message and suitable action will be taken for the user request based on the response of the device. For each of these features, short text messages are assigned. The web application and mobile application are designed especially for the of tracking the coordinates in real time on Google maps.

How to Cite
A. Sai Hanuman, Kanegonda Ravi Chythanya. (2020). Development of an Effective Mechanism using GPS Module to Track Real-Time Location. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 430 - 436. Retrieved from