Husbands’ Support for Family with Early Marriage

  • Warsiti, Luluk rosida, Ria Gustiani, Intan Mutiara


Indonesia is one of the countries with a high prevalence of early marriage at 34%. The various
effects of early marriage are domestic violence and psychosocial impact. Emotional problems such as
anger, sadness, guilt, fear, confusion, despair, irritability, and anxiety. The number of early marriages
that cause the wives lacks of good support from their husband can lead to disharmony in the family and
increase the divorce rate. This study aims to obtain information on the description of the husbands
‘support for families with under 18-year-old mother in Sleman Yogyakarta. The design of this study is
quantitative descriptive research, which is conducted by observing, assessing and analyzing the
description of husband's support for families with under 18-year-old mother. Data collection method is
primary data using questionnaires. The sampling technique uses total sampling and data analysis is done
by univariate analysis. The young mothers who are married <18 years and have children of 24
respondents. Husbands’ support for families with under 18-year-old motherin both categories are only 7
respondents (29.2%) and mild categories as many as 17 respondents (70.8%). Emotional support in the
good category is 15 respondents (62.5%), instrumental support in the good category is 17 respondents
(70.8%), informational support in the poor category is 12 respondents (50.0%), and appreciation in less
category is 13 respondents (54,2%)

How to Cite
Warsiti, Luluk rosida, Ria Gustiani, Intan Mutiara. (2020). Husbands’ Support for Family with Early Marriage. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(9s), 459-465. Retrieved from