Development of Multichannel Geoelectric Measuring Devices

  • Muhammad Rusydi, Moh. Dahlan Th. Musa, Dedy Farhamsah, Badaruddin, Ryan H.R, Sandra, Sitti Rugaya, Rustan E, Rahmawati


The difficulty of developing multichannel geoelectric in the country has encouraged the development of a multichannel geoelectric meter based on the Arduino ATMega 2560 microcontroller with Netbeans software as a support program and data processing. Objective: To make multichannel geoelectric measuring devices and to process the measurement data of multichannel geoelectric measuring devices using Res2dinv. Type of research: This research is an experimental study divided into laboratory-scale research and field-scale research. Results: Field tests on outcrop objects were carried out using the Wenner Configuration. Measurements were made three times with the same electrodeposition. 2D models below the surface for each data used Res2dinv software and resulted in errors of 7.95, 7.9%, and 7.3%. Interpretation of 2D models with conditions in the field (outcrop), namely, the contour resistivity for each layer was sandstone (200-600 Ωm) and gravel (600-1000 Ωm). In the calibration of a multichannel geoelectric gauge with 16 electrodes, the design using a ceramic resistor obtained a 1.46% error result. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, the Author can be concluded that the development of geoelectric devices can be used as a measuring instrument with an error rate of between 7% and 8%.

How to Cite
Muhammad Rusydi, Moh. Dahlan Th. Musa, Dedy Farhamsah, Badaruddin, Ryan H.R, Sandra, Sitti Rugaya, Rustan E, Rahmawati. (2020). Development of Multichannel Geoelectric Measuring Devices. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 1714 - 1720. Retrieved from