Real Time Implementation of Home Automation and Health Monitoring System using GOOGLE ASSISTANT
The elderly and disabled persons are generally facing some problems like controlling the
appliances and monitoring health conditions. The family members couldn't spend much time with
them because of their work, busy life and tensions. It has been observed that the mental function
deteriorate in elder and disabled persons gradually increasing with the age growth. So, they start
depending on the younger once even for the small works. The dependence of the elder/disabled
person's life is so miserable in this busy life. The past qualitative analysis shows that for every four
persons one was suffering from this disease. This leads to losing the memory and thinking skills of a
person hence automation was developed in the market with a lot of money for these people.
In this context, to provide support to the disabled/elder person to reduce dependency, an idea has
been proposed with IoT technology to these persons and implement this proposed system with the
voice commands along with the Raspberry pi 3B for controlling appliances, heartbeat monitoring.
In this proposed system, mainly concentrated on the needs of the disabled/elder people and
provides access to control the device by using an application and web source.