Intelligent Integrated Digital Platform InSilicoKDD in Support of Precision Medicine for Scientific Research
The paper presents intelligent integrated digital platform InSilicoKDD based on scientific workflows
in support of precision medicine designed, implemented and deployed at the Faculty of Applied
Mathematics and Informatics, Technical University of Sofia. The platform is built upon our method for
adaptive in silico knowledge data discovery and intelligent decision making as well as integrated
approach to combine and analyze digital data at all stages of breast cancer progress, deploying
modern in silico KDD methods and technologies. The conceptual architectural design of InSilicoKDD
platform is presented and the software prototype revealed. Functionality and efficiency of
InSilicoKDD platform have been verified on the basis of experimentation for the breast cancer issue by
configuring and executing scientific workflows encompassing machine learning models for diagnostics
and prediction, data sets with results of the biopsy of the cells in the patient's tumor as well as breast
cancer risk assessment models