The Determinants Of The Work-Life Balance Of The Women Employees In The IT Sector Of Kerala
This study investigates the determinants of Work life balance (WLB) of women employees in information
technology sector in Kerala. The analysis was based on a primary survey data set collected through a multistage random sampling from a sample consisting of 360 women employees working in the IT sector of
Kerala. Initially, the important constructs associated to the work-life balance factor were explored and
validated using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), this
preliminary analysis has identified and validated four important constructs viz., “job characteristics”,
“work-life balance polices”, “work domain support”, and “work-life balance”. In the second stage, a
multiple linear regression model specified and estimated incorporating these four constructs and a few
more socio-demographic variables, to explore the determinants of the determinants of the WLB of women
employees in the IT sector of Kerala. The findings brought to light that the job characteristics, work-life
balance policies, and whether the employee has children or not were the only factors which had statistically
significant influence on the work-life balance of the women employees in the IT sector of Kerala.