The paper is an attempt to document the stages of implementation of Swachh Bharat initiatives across
the states in India; Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) was started as and initiative by the Indian
Government on 2nd October 2014 as part of sanitation and cleanliness drive across our country. It tries
to provide a comprehensive review of various activities undertaken through Swachh Bharat initiatives
in the rural and urban areas across India. The data used for this survey are collected from official
sources of Government of India and other documents and reports available at the public domain. An
attempt is made to find out the implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan scheme in Tirunelveli
District. Socio economic profile of respondents regarding their gender, locality, type of family, religion,
age and income are analyzed. Survey method was adopted for the study. Using simple random sampling
technique a sample of 70 beneficiaries of SBA schemeis chosen for the survey. Findings revealed that
the beneficiaries did not differ in their awareness about clean India programme gender, location, type
of the family, religion, age and income. The level of awareness about Swachh Bharat Abhiyan scheme
was at a moderate level. This paper also highlights the success cases of Swachh Bharat implementation
in Tirunelveli and brings out the important challenges in the operationalization of the programme in
the surrounding areas.