Attendance Monitoring System By LBPH Algorithm

  • T. Suresh, S.Prem kumar


A decades ago face identification is one of the difficult research zones. Since the facial highlights are differ starting with one individual then onto the next individual. Face acknowledgment framework is for the most part used to locate the specific individual and gather their information. Mostly this framework is utilized in participation upkeep for the understudies. Utilizing face acknowledgment effectively distinguishes the right understudy in day today life. This proposed model is utilized to distinguish countenances of understudies in the study hall. Open CV technique is utilized to assess the present framework. Right now calculation is joined with standardization procedure. The primary advantage of this proposed framework is the understudies are consistently sit in the class from start of the class hours as far as possible of great importance. It creates progressively precise outcome contrast and other existing strategies.

 Keywords: Face Recognition, Eigen value algorithm, Open CV attendance maintenance, Biometric, CV method, local binary pattern histogram.

How to Cite
T. Suresh, S.Prem kumar. (2020). Attendance Monitoring System By LBPH Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 3602 - 3606. Retrieved from