Time Value Analysis of Driver Due to Traffic Jam During Bridge Construction: Case Study in Kalibone Bridge Construction Maros-Pangkep Axis, Indonesia

  • Mursalim, Firdaus Chaeruddin, Hasmar Halim, Zubair Saing


This paper discusses the time value analysis of a driver due to traffic jams during the Kalibone bridge construction. The bridge construction is one of west Sulawesi crossroad bridges in 2019 construction with 20m width and 58.4m span expected to serve trans Sulawesi west traffic. There are two approaches used to calculate this time value, which is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) based method and welfare maximization based method. The difference between the two methods is that the welfare level method includes leisure time value analysis, whereas the GDP method not included. The result indicated that the costs incurred by road users are time value of IDR 4.437 billion for Maros-Pangkep direction and IDR. 4.552 billion for Pangkep-Maros direction during the Kalibone Bridge construction project, which lasted 873 days with a difference in an increase during normal conditions of 873 days by 670% for Maros-Pangkep direction and 690% for the reverse direction.

Keywords: Traffic jam, driver loss, people welfare, gross domestic product, bridge construction.

How to Cite
Mursalim, Firdaus Chaeruddin, Hasmar Halim, Zubair Saing. (2020). Time Value Analysis of Driver Due to Traffic Jam During Bridge Construction: Case Study in Kalibone Bridge Construction Maros-Pangkep Axis, Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 3585 - 3593. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/12242