Integrity Preserved Multifactor Authentication Based Automated Ticketing System
The growth of the new technologies and inculcated in services has enabled extension of manual
service counters to technology-driven service counter without human intervention. Today, self-service
technologies have attracted customers. This facilitates a user to avail services independent of employee
involvement. Examples of self-service technology include ATM, vending machine e.t.c.An automated
service that supports innovative ticketing is proposed in this paper. The proposed concept supports
cloud-based storage of passenger, schedule and ticket details. To ensure data integrity the payment
transactions are stored in the blockchain. The UI design has been built as a web app and tested with a
selective group of users. The removal of the data entry part at the time of requesting/deleting a ticket is
replaced with a QR scanning module to avoid wastage of time and human errors during user input. The
system uses a tokenless factor (Mobile phones) to complete the ticket requisition and payment.