A Study on Environmental Education-A Barefoot College Model Understanding

  • Moch Iqbal, Durgesh Pandit, Rahul Chauhan, Samsul Susilawati, Yenni Patriani


Introduction: A broad coalition of educators and policymakers now agree it’s too narrow to rely on test scores as the sole indicator of student success. A strong academic foundation is important, but students need additional mindsets, habits, and skills to be successful in the long run. Organizations have been working in this area for years, but the field lacks consensus on which SEL (Social Emotional Learning) skills are most important, how to support teachers in creating learning environments that foster them, and how to measure their development.

How to Cite
Moch Iqbal, Durgesh Pandit, Rahul Chauhan, Samsul Susilawati, Yenni Patriani. (2020). A Study on Environmental Education-A Barefoot College Model Understanding. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 1464 - 1470. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/11881