Isolation, Screening and Production Of Alkaline Protease from by Nocardiopsis Synnematoformans and Nocardiopsis Dassonvilleivar. BSRMJY-2019 AND SRMJY-2019

  • K. Daniel, M. Guravaiah


Microbial natural products have been one of the major resources for discovery of novel drugs. With the help of microorganisms to produce proteases source as they can be cultured in large quantities in a relatively short time by established fermentation methods, and they produce an abundant, regular supply of the desired product. The antimicrobial activity was studied preliminarily by cup plate method. The test organism E.Coli (Atcc 9837), Straphylococcus aureus (ATCC 9027).

 Keywords: Microbial, novel drugs, fermentation methods and E.Coli.

How to Cite
M. Guravaiah, K. D. (2019). Isolation, Screening and Production Of Alkaline Protease from by Nocardiopsis Synnematoformans and Nocardiopsis Dassonvilleivar. BSRMJY-2019 AND SRMJY-2019. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(12), 46 - 56. Retrieved from