Environmental Education in Schools: Grounded Theory Research in Adiwiyata Elementary School

  • Muhamad Sartibi, Nadiroh, Asep Supena


Environmental Education is education that teaches students to get to know the Environment and support to increase Environmental awareness. Environmental education can be applied since elementary school can be used by students from an early age to care about the environment. So that the process of forming a character that cares about the environment is well patterned, it is necessary to have an environmentally sound school management. In Indonesia, schools that have environmental management are Adiwiyata Schools. Adiwiyata School is a school that received an award from the Ministry of the Environment as a school that cares and is cultured in the environment. This method uses qualitative theory. This type was chosen because the researcher wanted to find the concept of the character education process related to the students' environment which was rooted in the field data, and after it was developed, a strategy could be found. The results of the study explained that: (1) the content collected in each stage of the arrangement of school programs ranging from strategic analysis, determining the direction of development, determining the vision and mission, to determining the program and strategy for its achievement, has succeeded in determining the compatibility between one another, and by trace must accommodate Environmental education programs for students; (2) the process of environmental education in schools is ongoing Intrakurikuler, kokurikuler and extracurricular which is carried out through exemplary, slogan, habituation and school culture; (3) the implications of environmental education have appeared to form attitudes and behavior patterns that enhance environmental care attitudes in students; (4) Planning of the environmental education process for students using personality factors and environmental education models implemented by educators. The Development and Modeling Model is a new model found in this study. The Model of Guidance and Development is an environmental education model through intensive guidance and modeling from the guidance of educators. The results showed that the Guiding and Modeling Model was effective in environmental education in schools.

How to Cite
Muhamad Sartibi, Nadiroh, Asep Supena. (2020). Environmental Education in Schools: Grounded Theory Research in Adiwiyata Elementary School. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 1348 - 1365. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/11812