A Review on Skull Extraction Process from MRI Images using Intelligent Techniques

  • Radha R, GopalaKrishnan R, Sasikala E


One of the applications of image processing with respect to brain MRI images is skull extraction. In many medical domain related analysis, skull extraction is considered the fore most vital step. Extraction of skull mechanism identifies and segregates the brain image based on non-cerebral concepts like skull, scalp, eye ball and irregular connective tissues around brain and spinal cord. This non–essential tissue existence in MRI image has a considerable set back in analysis process. Therefore, quantitative analysis of MRI images requires preliminary process of isolating these tissues from brain, which is carried out by skull extraction process. This process brings light on various approaches available on skull extraction and also provides an elaborate literature on existing mechanisms.

Keywords: Computer Aided Diagnosis, Morphology, Dilation, Erosion, Magnetic Resonance Images, Skull Stripping, Extraction.

How to Cite
Radha R, GopalaKrishnan R, Sasikala E. (2020). A Review on Skull Extraction Process from MRI Images using Intelligent Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 3230 - 3237. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/11646