Form and Trend of Violence against Women and the Legal Protection Strategy

  • Soenyono, Basrowi


The purpose of this research is to describe: 1) various forms of violence against women, 2) trend of violence against women by their type, and 3) strategies to overcome various forms of violence against women. The design of this research is quantitative descriptive research. The data were taken by the panel for five years from 2013 to 2017. Data are sourced from the National Commission of Women which had been published annually by National Commission of Women. The collected data is compiled, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted to get interesting findings. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded: firstly, violence against women cases from 2013 to 2015 tends to rise, and in 2016 tends to decrease, even until August 2017, the number of cases of violence against women is relatively very low. Second, cases of violence against women majority is a case in the private sphere, followed by the community and the realm of the State. The most dominant types of domestic violence are physical violence and sexual violence. Third, a strategy that can be done to overcome violence against women is by raising awareness to all parties that violence against women must be stopped immediately.

 Keywords: Protection, violence, women, gender.

How to Cite
Soenyono, Basrowi. (2020). Form and Trend of Violence against Women and the Legal Protection Strategy. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 3165 - 3174. Retrieved from