A Trash Barrel Suitable for Both Indoor and Outdoor Uses (A Better Way To Clean Your Garbage)

  • P. Deeraj, G. Rohit, K.S. Abhishek, S.S Subashka


The paper explores a developed and engineered new design for our garbage bin that is cleaner and much better than our usual way to dispose of our garbage, which can be suitable for both indoor and outdoor purposes. The paper also delves into the impacts that are currently facing in garbage disposing. The current design of our garbage bins / cans and barrels are available in various types and sizes but still we cannot tackle the garbage size issues, which occurs at peak days or hours in certain places. which is a major problem faced by everyone, by this newly engineered design we can solve all this problem.

Keywords: Peak hours, leakproof bags, hygienic manner.

How to Cite
P. Deeraj, G. Rohit, K.S. Abhishek, S.S Subashka. (2020). A Trash Barrel Suitable for Both Indoor and Outdoor Uses (A Better Way To Clean Your Garbage). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 3103 - 3110. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/11618