The Effectiveness Difference Between Breast Massage and Oxytocin Massage Towards the Smoothness of Breast Milk Production at Matahari Room of Undata Public Hospital Central Sulawesi Province

  • Pesta Corry Sihotang, Tigor H. Situmorang, Iin Octaviana Hutagaol, Evi Setyawati


WHO recommends that every newborn baby should be given exclusive breastfeeding for six months. To meet the needs of exclusive breastfeeding, it can be done by breast massage and oxytocin massage and they also need balanced nutrition with sufficient amounts in a day. According to WHO adequacy of nutrients breastfeeding is 500 calories/day. Besides consuming healthy nutrition, it is also necessary to obtain breast milk that has good quality. Breast care is useful in stimulating the breast and influencing the pituitary to secrete the hormones prolactin and oxytocin. Based on the medical record data of Undata Hospital in Central Sulawesi Province in 2016, the number of patients with milk production problems was 120 people while in 2017 there were 96 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the effectiveness of breast massage and oxytocin massage on the production of breast milk in postpartum mothers on the first day at the Undata Hospital, Palu. Sampling was done by using a quota sampling technique with a sample of 20 postpartum mothers and a sample of 10 postpartum mothers on the first day. They were given breast massage treatment and 10 postpartum mothers treated with oxytocin massage. The research instrument used was an observation sheet. Data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with unpaired T-test. The results of the study showed that there was a difference in effectiveness between breast care and oxytocin massage for postpartum mothers in Undata District Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province with a value (ρ value = 0,000). It is recommended that health workers, nurses or midwives in the Undata District Hospital of Central Sulawesi Province, especially in the Matahari room, should apply breast care and oxytocin massage to the first-day postpartum mothers to get an increase in milk production. This treatment can be done in the morning and evening for 30 minutes where this treatment can produce productive breastfeeding.

How to Cite
Pesta Corry Sihotang, Tigor H. Situmorang, Iin Octaviana Hutagaol, Evi Setyawati. (2020). The Effectiveness Difference Between Breast Massage and Oxytocin Massage Towards the Smoothness of Breast Milk Production at Matahari Room of Undata Public Hospital Central Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 2214 - 2219. Retrieved from