Intelligent Fuzzy Enabled Malicious Node Identification on Routing and Certificate Authority Oriented Secure Communication over Wireless Ad-Hoc Network

  • K. Rajkumar
  • Dr. M. K. Jeyakumar


The general behavior of Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANETs) is different in certain stages due to its mode of operations and maintenance as well as factors such as Node-Energy level, manipulation energy, randomly movable nature and the topology-changes. This type of dynamicity causes or needs over concentration and needs more security with routing-stability. For eliminating these issues and improve the security, a new methodology called Secured Fuzzy Enabled Node Identification and Routing Strategy (SFENIRS) is defined, which provides the Trusted-Network-Service and better performance with energy efficiency in security and dynamicity perspectives. This algorithm SFENIRS provides high-reliability and dynamicity to nodes, which can move frequently without any security causes and attain more robustness during performance. The selection of next node selection and forwarding is purely based on the link-stability and next-neighbor availability, which is ensured by means of the parental node by sending route-request and getting response for the request. Once the neighbor provides the response properly for the raised request the node will be treated as a next successful neighbor, otherwise the node will be considered as a malicious node and which cannot be considered for next process further. The survey results further to guarantee regarding the network robustness, dynamicity, good packet delivery ratio, goodput and secure-routing over MANET with the help of Secured Fuzzy Enabled Node Identification and Routing Strategy.

How to Cite
Rajkumar, K., & Jeyakumar, D. M. K. (2019). Intelligent Fuzzy Enabled Malicious Node Identification on Routing and Certificate Authority Oriented Secure Communication over Wireless Ad-Hoc Network. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(9), 450 - 460. Retrieved from