Hydrogeology of Mesozoic deposits of the North-Russian gas condensate field in Western Siberia
The research concretizes the hydrogeological conditions of the Mesozoic basin of the SeveroRusskoye field of West Siberia. There is a description of the geological structure and groundwater
composition of the Quaternary, Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian, Neocomian and Jurassic
hydrogeological complexes. The change in the composition of water from calcium-chlorine to sodium
bicarbonate according to V.A.Sulin with depth and a concomitant decrease in mineralization (a
decrease in mineralization is observed from 15.5 g/l in the Apt-Alb-Cenomanian complex to 2-2.8 g/l
in the Neocomian and 6.3 g/l in the Jurassic).
The research also describes some features of the regional distribution of formation
(reservoir) pressures (it is assumed that the groundwater decrement of the anticlinal slope occurs in
the Ob and the monoclinal in the Taz Bay), the heat flow in the study area. Hydrodynamic diagrams
of the Neocomian and Jurassic hydrogeological complexes are given, which show that the SeveroRusskoye field is in the zone of low formation pressure values. The aforementioned vertical inversion
zoning and lower reservoir pressures are associated with the location of the field within the elizable
geodynamic water pressure system of the Yamalo-Gydan lineament.