How Indonesia uses Big Data “Indonesian One Data” for the Future of Policy Making

  • Prakoso Bhairawa Putera, Lindung Parningotan Manik, Yan Rianto, Ajeng Arum Sari, Rifki Sadikin


The diversity of data sources provided by research agencies both in central and regional levels makes it difficult as data source for making decisions in Indonesia’s development. Therefore, the government issued Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning Satu Data Indonesia/ Indonesian One Data. This regulation is intended to collect national data under a system that is easily accessible, accurate, integrated and sophisticated. The "Indonesian One Data" policy is a national big data platform in Indonesia, so that the regulatory and implementation framework determines the sustainability of to be implemented as a data source in decision making.

Keywords: big data; policy making; Indonesia; Indonesian One Data; big data platform.

How to Cite
Prakoso Bhairawa Putera, Lindung Parningotan Manik, Yan Rianto, Ajeng Arum Sari, Rifki Sadikin. (2020). How Indonesia uses Big Data “Indonesian One Data” for the Future of Policy Making. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 2177 - 2185. Retrieved from