Detection of Tomato Mosaic Virus Viruses in Farms and Greenhouses and Breed Several Isolates of The Potato Virus Y From this Host
Tomato is one of the most important vegetables in Iran and in many countries. This study examines the
spread of mosaic virus viruses in farms and greenhouses in the 2017-2018 crop year. Our study region
is located in Yazd county in Iran. In this study, we collected 451 leaf samples with signs of mosaic. To
identify the viruses, we used tests of DAS-ELISA, ACP-ELISA, specific polyclonal antibodies of Potato
virus Y(PVY), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) and Arabis mosaic virus
(ArMV) and Potivirus single-stranded antibody. Percentage of contamination of specimens collected
with putty virus, CMV, PVY, ArMV and ToMV were 35.9%, 11.3%, 20.6%, 2.6% and 13.5%,
respectively. Therefore, according to the results, PVY is the predominant virus among the collected
samples. Four species of potato Y virus were selected to investigate the breed type of the collected PVY
isolates. After extracting total RNA from the contaminated isolates, a fragment of 837 bp was amplified
using a PVY-specific protease region of the P1 protease region. To identify the strains studied, in the
RFLP test, PCR product was affected by the Hinc test. Then, the pair of specific primers of PVY strains
were used. The results of the reaction showed that all four isolates were NTN race.