The purpose of “Women’s Security in Social media” is secured that all women’s in social networks could be safe. Not only women, men’s can also be secured by this feature. Now-a-days most of them are finding a new friend through social networks. The major problems are coming through social networks by anonymous messages. Through the implementation of my new idea we can secure the unwanted message from unknown person. Based on my topic, I added many features to this project. The features that are added in my project is giving a privacy to women’s for hiding profile pictures to unknown person. There isanother feature is added that, women can also wish to get friend request from either male or female. The one more important feature is that, they wish to receive friend request from a particular city, state or country. By this technique they can reject friend request from unknown person. The topic focuses on three main areas – privacy, security and a trusted network. This will help women to know how to, login and to set up notifications and the trusted contacts. The user can manage and control a privacy check option in which the user can set the limitations that who can see personal information and what is being shared. Women can live in a trusted community