IoT enabled devices have made remote monitoring in the health care sector possible unleashing the potential to keep patients safe and healthy. In India the population of the elderly is projected to increase nearly 20 percent in 2050. According to WHO, falls are one of the dominant health related issues among elderly. It is reported that more than one third of 65 (and above) years old falls each year. A quick response on the incident might decrease the risk of serious injuries such as head traumas or brain damages. The proposed system will continuously monitor the vitals of the elderly and assist preventing the fall. The proposed system consists of accelerometer and gyroscopic sensor to detect the patients movement and orientation. The system also consists of additional sensors like pulse, sweat sensors which sense the patient’s heartbeat rate, body temperature. The device can be worn as a band in patient's wrist which acquires the data and send to the nearby device like laptop or mobile and push it to the cloud server through telemetry. The vitals of the elderly can be monitored