• Tashpulatova Maktuba, Nabiyeva Dildoraxon, Djurayeva Elnora, Sagatova Dilnoza, Askarov Nurbek


Introducing one of the rheumatological diseases with joint syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by the lesion of functionally important joints, which leads to disability of patients, especially among young and middle-aged people, which determine the social significance and urgency of the problem. Efficient treatment of RA depends on early identification, followed by timely invention and proper monitoring of treatment responses, which remain problems faced by rheumatologists due to the lack of high sensitivity and specificity biomarkers. Anticyclical citrullinated peptide (ACCP) and rheumatoid factor (RF) are the most important laboratory parameters in diagnosing RA in its early stages. At the same time, seronegativity in both early and besieged RA remains the main obstacle for both ACCP and RF, which emphasizes the need for new complementary markers that will improve diagnostic sensitivity. The development of new RA markers is necessary to correctly classify patients into different risk groups. Current markers estimate only about thirty percent of the total diversity in predicting disease outcomes. It has been reported that 14-3-3η is a new RA-related biomarker that induces the expression of multiple factors mediating the pathogenesis of RA and increases diagnostic capture when combined with RF and ACCP. In addition, increased serum 14-3-3η was associated with more serious joint erosion and worse treatment results.

How to Cite
Tashpulatova Maktuba, Nabiyeva Dildoraxon, Djurayeva Elnora, Sagatova Dilnoza, Askarov Nurbek. (2020). 14-3-3(ETA) PROTEIN AS A NEW BIOMARKER IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 1871 - 1877. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10346