A Study on Computer Vision System for Numeric Pattern Recognition

  • Fery Antony et al.


Technology of digital learning at this time applies many computer systems, therefore learning in the field of computer vision for a renewal of innovation in some devices in the era of the industrial revolution is required. In this study, a study on computer vision system for numeric pattern recognition is proposed, where the neural network method was implemented. The computer vision system studied can recognize arithmetic and operand numbers to do simple calculations and produce sound output. Generally, the chnique applied in this study is image segmentation which consists of four stages in the form of grayscale, thresholding, trimming, and resizing. Furthermore, the images obtained will be processed using computer vision. The results showed that the neural network method applied to computer vision systems was effectively used for numeric
pattern recognition which served as a learning media in the digitalization era

How to Cite
et al., F. A. (2019). A Study on Computer Vision System for Numeric Pattern Recognition. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(10), 316 - 321. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/1028