Soccer Skill Training can contribute psychologically among players in different levels. Mental Health is an essential part for player performance in competition. Keeping in mind the researcher find out the different soccer skills which influence mental health among soccer players. For this research 22 soccer players from Kancheepuram District football club selected as subjects. Their age ranged from 21 to 28 years old. They were well experienced soccer players played Third Division Soccer League every week. The Main team players (11 Nos.) were selected as Group I and Substitute players were selected as Group II. All the players were in Off Season Period and this training programme was lasted up for a period of 12 weeks. For this research purpose all the players were tested with Mental Health Scale Questionnaire appeared in Psychological Mental Health Scale invented by Peter Becker (1989). Analysis of Co-Variance was used to test using the Pre and the Post Test Score. After the test the Statistical Analysis shows that the obtained score of 12.70 was higher than the required table F –Value of 4.11 to be significant at 0.05 level, also it was concluded that the Experimental Group had a significant improvement on Mental Health among soccer players.