A cluster approach in pedagogical education in the context of globalization
General globalization and rapid development of information and communication technologies, a need to introduction the cluster approach into the system of pedagogical education to improve the quality of training of future teachers in accordance with modern requirements for their professional competence require improvement as the content of training of future teachers for professional pedagogical activities in the context of international educational cluster and approaches to learning and organizing educational process.
How to Cite
Kamaloga Guldina, Pak Nikolay, Khegay Liudmila, Kisseleva Yelena, Akkassynova Zhamilya. (2020). A cluster approach in pedagogical education in the context of globalization. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 994 - 1004. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10111