A Review on Smart Energy Management Systems for Intelligent Buildings

  • Tharik Jakir Hussaina et al.


There is an essential necessity for technology to enhance the field energy to increase the efficiency since there is an increased rate of power consumption in the modern world. The building account for nearly a high amount of the total energy usage and efficient methods are required to manage the energy effectively. Thus, building energy management system (BEMS) can be described as a system with grouping of both smart and green building technology. This paper identifies multiple Building energy
management systems and their efficiencies in optimizing the energy for higher savings rate. This paper also describes the different kind of energy management systems that are widely adopted and known for its optimization of energy savings.

How to Cite
et al., T. J. H. (2019). A Review on Smart Energy Management Systems for Intelligent Buildings. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(10), 175 - 181. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/1006