• Kuysin Tukhtaeva


The article focuses on smart learning technologies such as wiki, video and audio podcasts which are used both online and offline in foreign languages’ teaching process in high educational establishments. These technologies are applied to complement both traditional and innovative methods of teaching, enhance learning motivation of students, critical thinking, provide them with possibilities to realize their intellectual, and creative potential.At present, the higher school is faced with the task not only to modernize the content of teaching, but also to introduce new technologies for the development of communicative language competence of future teachers. The development of information technology has opened up new prospects for teaching foreign languages. Their use increases the motivation and cognitive activity of students, interest in the subject, helps to intensify and individualize learning, eliminates the psychological barrier in using a foreign language as a means of communication.Smart technologies are gradually entering the practice of teaching foreign languages. Due to their availability, mobility, ease of use and low cost in the near future they will become familiar and natural means of learning and teaching. They not only change the place and quality of training, but also affect the learning process and teaching from a didactic and methodological point of view.

How to Cite
Kuysin Tukhtaeva. (2020). EFFECTIVENESS OF SMART TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 1483 - 1487. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/10054